Master Of Connection
With John Keegan
The Authentic Man’s Guide to Connecting With Himself,
the World Around Him and the Women in it
Meet Extraordinary Women in Everyday Places

What if you could start a conversation with the most attractive woman you saw today, effortlessly with confidence?

There's the life you're currently living and the life you could be living. The only thing that lies in between these two things is your resistance to live the greater version of yourself.
The life you desire is on the other side of that resistance you feel every time you see a beautiful woman walking by and you don't say hi.
Why not meet and connect with any women, anywhere, at any time of day?
You no longer have to limit your opportunities for meeting beautiful women to contrived situations like bars and nightclubs. It would be a true loss to section off your social life to a three-hour drunken haze on a weekend night. Also, you don’t need to desperately rely on dating apps which leave most guys stuck on the bottom of the algorithm.
You’ll discover the joy of meeting and connecting with attractive strangers anywhere and everywhere.
This is the dream for many men, but for so many it feels totally out of reach. Do you ever feel like you:
I know the pain and you know the pain, and I have the way out. In this course I’m gonna share with you the method which is my life’s work and a culmination of 15 years of coaching on the streets of New York and around the world. I call this course The Master of Connection because that’s exactly what you will become. Read on.

This isn’t another pick up technique or a script to follow
There’s a lot of stuff out there, a lot of different ideas and a lot of contradicting dating advice. Everyone has an opinion from your older brother, your ex girlfriend to your friends and random guys on youtube and reddit. And all of that confusing and contradicting advice can leave you feeling frustrated, stuck in your current situation and without a clear path to social and dating victory.
As you probably found, most of that advice is well meaning, at very best it’s a minor help and sometimes entertaining.
There is a way out
The system I discovered helps each man unlock his true persona, his natural state from within, helping him become his genuine, bold and authentic self. Together, one collaboration at a time, my clients and I discovered something far more powerful than just picking up women, but rather, we discovered a complete path to social and emotional empowerment.
This path is now available to you as well.
In this course I’m going to help you experience real transformation and ultimately become a man with choice, and massive dating abundance.
My goal is not just to help you meet women or get a date. It’s to help you connect to your true self and feel confident with any woman and in any situation.
My Story
I know your struggle because I’ve experienced it myself. Like so many guys, I had this feeling that my life was meant to be something great. But, I just found I was living the same situation over and over and was not living up to my own expectations. I didn’t like my job, I didn’t like my dating situation, and I was definitely not living my best life. I thought I was going to be a famous actor and I would get everything that came with that - I would be a cool guy in the corner of the cafe with women begging to meet me. I envisioned everything from six-pack abs, designer clothes to a house on Malibu beach and traveling the world, having the coolest friends and many lovers. Yet, I was lacking in every department.
And then the crisis began…
First, I lost my job. A sales job selling things I didn’t care about or believe in is how I spent my days. It kept me afloat, giving me just enough money and free time to pursue my acting. But I hated the job; it didn’t match with the person I was and it certainly didn’t match with the person I wanted to be. The loathing built up until one morning I decided I just couldn’t do another lifeless day of this. I decided to skip a day, and then another a few days later, and then again a few days after that. Finally, I was fired. Although deep down I wanted it to end, I suddenly found myself with no income and no health insurance.

Then came the break-up.
She was adorable. She wanted to stay up all night and I wanted to sleep; she wanted to talk about her music and I wanted to talk about my obsession with losing my hair. We argued all the time, and yet I was desperately trying to make the relationship work. The more desperate I became, the more she wanted to be rid of me. Finally, she dumped me. I was devastated and I went right into how-to-get-her-back mode. After going in circles, it soon became crystal clear I had to face the cold hard truth: I was alone, alienated, and disconnected. I had no clue what to do next, but I realized the only thing I could do was, somehow, find a way to move on.
To make matters worse, I was living in a hoarder's lair. Eight dark rooms filled with furniture and dumpster dive finds from floor to ceiling, and one very harmless fellow who had a rent-stabilized lease is where I called home. My room was at the very end of the railroad hallway. Even though I kept my little “studio” clean, I couldn’t block out the heinous state of the rest of the apartment. It felt like I lived on the set from the serial killer classic film Seven. And, believe it or not, I brought back the women I had summoned the guts to talk to.
Despite all of this, I had begun to seek self-improvement years before my crisis. I studied Zen teachings and read books on personal metamorphosis, and I learned how I was creating my own reality through my thoughts and emotions. Even though I felt stuck, I knew that…
When student is ready,
the teacher will appear
I was at the lowest point of my life and decided to focus my energy on learning how to connect with women. I became a fanatic, challenging myself to say hello to the first person I saw every morning on my way to get tea. This practice kept me in the present moment and helped me get out of my head. It became a way for me to flirt and make friends, and I found myself making people smile almost everywhere I went. One day, I realized I had achieved something powerful and significant as the people around me were waving and smiling.

However, I still struggled with approaching women I found attractive. I didn't know how to start a flirtatious conversation, and I lacked confidence in connecting with them.
I wanted to meet interesting, cultured, and beautiful women without relying on alcohol or drugs to move past my social fear.
I recognized that all the blocks in abundance in my life had to do with my fears and anxieties around being social and connecting with women. It wasn't just about getting laid or getting a girlfriend; it was about self-actualization.
I became a social explorer and let go of the need for any specific outcome. I told myself that every time I said hello, I won.
The fear of rejection and the negative thoughts that came with it were always present, but I refused to let it stop me. I faced my fears by taking every single risk and stepping into the unknown.
When I took risks and let go of my fears and insecurities, I found a powerful way to be present in the moment. It became my meditation, a living, breathing, walking energy-exchanging meditation, much like how others practice yoga for stillness and spiritual growth. I became stronger, more open, and engaged others as well. However, doubts soon set in. Even though I had more conversations with women than ever before and had gone on several dates, I wasn't dating the women I really aspired to, and I began to accept my defeat.

My Zen Monk Moment
For several weeks, I stopped my social practice and went back to my other goals in life. I exercised, checked in with family and old friends, and began working on a screenplay idea that I had. One day, I brought my laptop into a hipster coffee shop in the East Village to work on my screenplay, and sitting next to me was a cute girl who was focused on her laptop. I leaned over and broke the ice with her, but something was different: I didn't want or need anything from her. I wasn't desperately trying to get something from her.
And then I had my Zen monk moment. My mind stilled, and I felt at one with my breath. I looked into her eyes and sank completely in. I felt every cell in my body alive and radiant, and every move I made was connected to the moment. I had no place to be, nowhere to go, and nothing else to do but to be present with her in the now.
My natural charisma arose from a place my mind couldn't invent. I was powerful and vulnerable all at once. What we shared between us came without effort; it flowed. That moment I found an undiscovered country within. From then on, I explored that country, that timeless place, which has no borders or walls, and knows no bounds, with women on street corners, in aisles, on subways, in cafés, and in every conceivable circumstance all around the world. I called the process “the art of the flow," and I began to share it with others.
A few years later, The New York Times contacted me. They wanted to feature my life as a dating coach. In the feature, they referred to me as “the ladies’ man.” I read those words and felt a mix of emotions. It was bigger than me. It wasn't just about being a “ladies' man” or a dating coach, it was about being present, self-acceptance, and the art of the flow. It was about finding an undiscovered country within myself and sharing it with others.

Fast forward to today
Today, I run The Awakened Lifestyle, where I use my expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help men and women develop dating and social skills. I teach and hold international dating workshops from Los Angeles to London and Rio de Janeiro to Prague. My work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health.
My vision as a dating coach is to empower people to express themselves fully and live the dating life they desire, to learn to connect in real life in this age of social media and to experience beauty, intimacy, and playfulness in the smallest moments.
I’ve been helping people all around the world solve dating problems and create deep and meaningful connections for the last 15 years. My mission is to share his findings of this world and new possibilities with those who have yet to experience it.
In reality, time is finante. So, I can only work with a limited number of people in person each year. That’s why I've created the Master of Connection.
What will this course
provide for you?
My goal with Master of Connection was to make it as powerful as my 1 on 1 in person coaching. Everything in this course is designed to do just that.
Master of Connection is a 4 week online course which helps any man regardless of his skill level or experience, to master (these primary things):

This is an action-centric journey of challenges that I take on with all my clients. To become a socially and romantically empowered man, you will take on these challenges boldly and sometimes blindly. I’m asking you now to trust me on two counts:
It’s a transformation into your purest, most vibrant self. You will shape-shift into your fully empowered self; you won’t ever stop being, and you will feel it start as soon as you jump in. You won’t have to wait.
This course is designed to teach you how to effectively connect with women. However, if you approach it with a sincere and serious mindset, you can unlock something even greater. By participating in this course, you have the potential to uncover parts of yourself that you may not have even been aware of; parts that are powerful, creative, and charismatic, and which have been hiding beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed.
As you tap into your authentic power, you will begin to see positive changes manifest in every area of your life, extending far beyond your success with women. You will find greater joy in all aspects of life, and will become a master of the flow of life itself. Ultimately, by learning how to connect with women, you will discover yourself in ways you never thought possible.

What’s included in the course?
How does it work?
This intensive course offers over 65 videos and 25 unique challenges carefully crafted to guide you out of your comfort zone gradually and effectively, which will help you overcome your fears and take action towards your social and dating goals.
These challenges are an essential component of this journey, because you will practice what you've learned and experience immediate results. In addition, the course includes improvisational and playful examples of real-life interactions with women that will inspire you to find your unique style of flirting.
Inner Game
“EVERY MAN MUST KNOW HIS VISION. Because when your life is led by your vision, you will lead others into your life.”

On your path to becoming master of connection you will have to transcend limiting beliefs you hold about yourself, the world, and the women in it. You will confront your deepest fears. You will evaluate the paradigm through which you see the world. There are stories that have hijacked your confidence and prevented you from becoming your realest self. We have to find them, face them, and let go of them. Nothing is more personal, powerful, or important to us than the ability to create a connection. But before you can create that connection – that connection with her – you will learn to connect with yourself.
In this section alone, through these 10 carefully crafted practices I will gently guide you to shedding all the parts that block you from becoming a socially empowered man.

In the first week you will learn how to:
Social Exploration & Approaching
The Social Explorer is a beautiful new mindset and a way of being, seeing and doing in the world. It allows you to let go of all the old dusty belief systems that you have and that don’t serve you. They don’t serve you because they’ve been telling you you’re not enough, women don’t like to be approached, people are mean, you are creeping them out, etc. It’s about you going out in the world and discovering these things for yourself. In this process you are also discovering about yourself and about her. This mindset will take you on your own journey and on your own adventures.
The second week is filled with lectures and practices on Social Exploration and Approaching. You will:
Our ability to observe the world around us, the people in it; and exactly what’s happening with them at this moment in time; and our ability to say what we see to her, in just the right way, at just the right moment, is our ability to connect.

The Connection
When you have a conversation with a woman, to experience a connection she needs to feel three things - that she is a unique and special person, that you got to know her and that she has gotten to know you.

People usually don’t value things unless they work for them. It doesn’t mean you have to make her work for it but you want her to invest energy into getting to know you. Once she has invested her energy and emotion into you she will see you as a valuable man that she wants to meet again.
In order to build connection successfully, in the third week you will learn:
The Physical Conversation
Most men talk ‘in facts’ and not ‘in feelings’. When you are trying to make an emotional connection, deep emotional bond, you need to talk in the language of feelings. That is her language. First, you engage her conversationally, then emotionally and lastly you introduce the physical touch. Ultimately, the connection comes down to physical relationship - touch, intimacy, and the two of you becoming one.
In the last part of our journey together we will work on deepening relationships:
First you engage her conversationally, then you engage her emotionally and lastly everything comes down to building the physical connection - touch, intimacy and the two of you becoming one.

What’s included in the course?
Bonus content

The Blueprint
Detailed plan for every day of this 4 week journey containing thought out and structured daily challenges that will help you gradually get out of your comfort zone and practice what you’ve learned in the course.
This Blueprint contains the exact steps I take with my 1 on 1 clients during in person coaching and it guarantees immediate results.

5 Guided Visualizations
These guided audio visualizations will help you tune into yourself and your vision and will allow you to be more at ease and natural in your interactions.

3 Inspirational Live Talks
Impactful and perspective shifting talks I gave in front of live audiences.
- The Path to Authenticity
- The Way of the Natural
- Zen and the Art of Meeting and Connecting with Women

Mindset Night
The ultimate mindset for the social man. conscious social man. Perhaps the most life-altering talk ever given on this subject with John Keegan and David Wygant. Rare and unique opportunity to get access to the minds of the world’s greatest and most effective coaches.

3 E-Books
- First date guideline
This eBook will provide you with the best first date ideas and advice on how to have an amazing first date. So that you can be the most exciting date of her life. - How to ask a coworker out on a date
This eBook offers bulletproof ways on how to successfully flirt with a coworker, how to find out if she likes you, and how to ask her out in a casual and safe way. - How to master texting
Best strategies for texting and social media. This book offers advice that will help you secure dates over social media.

Access to Telegram Community
Be a part of the group of like minded men who are there to support you and join you on your path.

Price and payment
The Master of Connection online course offers you wisdom you can’t get anywhere else in the world. This is a unique opportunity to learn the things it took me decades to discover, master and find a way to teach others. I was at it non stop, day and night, so that you don’t have to. In this course you will get the knowledge it would have taken a lifetime to gain otherwise.
Working with me in person is an investment of a minimum of 12k USD. Now you can gain the same knowledge in this special offer.
The offer contains
Total Value = $9.250
You are about to accept a mission that only a small percentage of men ever have the courage and fortitude to undertake. Its penetrating rewards are accessible to you forever. I will be your guide every step of the way.
Here are the options before you
Continue to ignore the problem
You can choose to stay and live in your limited comfort zone. Curt Kobain said there is a comfort in being sad. We get comfortable in knowing what we know. Continue living your life knowing what you know or you can take a risk. Stay home, watch Netflix and eat your favorite snacks. Swiping on Tinder, looking for the perfect dating app that will finally make you the best guy in the algorithm. You can continue diluting yourself this way and you will live a mediocre life. Guaranteed.
Find a solution on your own
You can do what I did and become completely obsessed, for years day in and day out. Trying to figure it out on your own sifting through endless information you find online that contradicts itself one way or the other. What happens to most guys who follow that path is that they end up frustrated and stuck, back to where they started. Why would you put yourself through that when you can start meeting amazing women now?
Why waste your time?
You can learn to be an emotional risk taker and that can take you to a life that you know you can have. You can actually be dating different women and living your best social and dating life now.
Benefit from me not only being in the game for decades, but for me coaching men like you day in day out for 15 years. Learning through that process how to distill the exact information that you need in its simplest form for you to flourish in your social and dating life.
With the Master of Connection online course you will become a mature man who is able to confidently approach and talk to any woman he desires. On your own, without feeling insecure and anxious. This course is a path to that life and it will give you immediate results. Take the first step and enroll in the Master of Connection course today.
Your social and dating transformation is just one click away. Let’s begin.
Dating coaching is for anyone who wants to be confident and to be more social, who wants to be charismatic and most importantly uplevel his dating ability. The process used in this coaching is different then anything else on the market. John will teach you his unique method that doesn’t use any scripts or forces you to be in any way different then you are. It is a personalized 1 on 1 coaching and it’s always tailored to your unique needs and goals.