
Learning To Ride The Waves: Ebbs and Flow

Hi Guys,

Do you ever get seriously frustrated with women!?  Do you find you try and try and somehow it doesn’t work out.

Somehow you never have what you want.  Maybe you had 10 girls phone numbers and still no date.  Maybe you went on dates and no second date.  Maybe you were falling in love and it all fell apart.

When you feel like it can make you feel resentful towards all women!

It can make you feel frustrated at the world!

It can make you conclude that I am just not this guy.

I am not the kind of guy who is good with women.

It can make you give up : (

I want share the truth that very very few would even be aware enough to know is true.

If they did have awareness, they would not share it with you.

Once you accept this truth,  your energy will shift!

Then you will be on your way to the life you deserve…

Looking forward,


PS.  I have mastered teaching the both emotional and physical journey of becoming of connecting with extraordinary women in everyday places.  Learn more about my programs that are truly life changing!  Learn More: https://theawakenedlifestyle.com/dating-coaching-for-men/

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