The Awakened Lifestyle: NYC Dating Coach John Keegan Marries Opportunity & Preparation to Help Singles Organically Attract Love
The Short Version: John Keegan has mastered the art of teaching singles how to naturally attract the opposite sex. As a result, he’s become one of New York City’s most sought-after dating experts. Practicing a philosophy centered on what he calls The Awakened Lifestyle, John strives daily to help clients connect with themselves first before forming bonds with others. This experienced dating coach is on a mission to teach people how to be genuine and become more attractive, assertive versions of themselves — and he’s been empowering them to realize this goal for more than a decade.
John Keegan is a natural at bridging the gap between opportunity and preparation. Once a successful theatrical actor, he’s now setting the stage for men and women to authentically connect across the globe. His life-is-not-a-rehearsal approach is key for men who want to attract women and grow in confidence and awareness.
“My mission has always been simple,” John said. “I want to help people make a complete transformation in themselves from the inside out.”
Through his personal and professional experience, John has a keen understanding of what men go through when they meet a woman but don’t know what to do next. As with many of his clients, John struggled with an internal battle that kept him from making genuine connections with the opposite sex. His inside-out transformation was a step-by-step process — one he calls The Awakened Lifestyle and now shares with others who need support and a fresh perspective on love.
“The Awakened Lifestyle is a style of life where connecting with people comes to you naturally, a life in which you live with purpose and follow your dreams,” he said. “Everything I know is because I was my first client.”
Over the last 10 years, John has developed a coaching method that appeals to both men and women. From workshops to one-on-one coaching sessions, he attracts clients who want to work on their inner selves while having fun taking part in role-playing exercises with professional actors. He’s a worldwide traveler fulfilling his purpose of helping people discover the best version of themselves.
“I focus on eliminating limiting beliefs that are stopping people from living the life they want and instilling positive beliefs that help them take action to create the social, dating, and relationship goals they desire,” he said.
Unique Coaching Processes Hone in on Inner Awareness
The hallmark of John’s coaching style centers on helping clients actualize their value systems. He told us once they get to know what they actually believe, they can then begin to understand what they need and want out of relationships.
“Core belief systems are what make you attractive,” he said. “The more you’re centered in on the great things about yourself, the more you’re centered in your greatness and passion.”
Similar to martial arts, clients can expect a holistic, one-on-one or group coaching experience for their mind, body, and spirit. John’s Mastery Course is six weeks of emotional empowerment and learning how to tap into your authentic self.
“The six-week course gives clients the opportunity to grow in between sessions and to work on themselves,” he said.
For clients outside the New York area, John has a five-day immersion program, which is power-packed with the same tools and techniques to build confidence and create chemistry. And, for a close group experience, clients can take advantage of his weekend workshops designed to learn intimacy-building techniques, the art of connection, and first date readiness.
“I teach both men and women to be able to answer who they are and communicate the answer in a way that can encourage dating,” he said. “I get them to flirt and open up. I get them to stop asking the 20 questions and playfully learn how to open up to potentially make a connection for all the right reasons.”
His clients — who are both men and women — are breaking down mental barriers and transforming inner beliefs to attract the right type of person into their lives. John’s testimonial page is raving with positive reviews from everyday people.
“Now I look at every social interaction I have (especially with women) as an opportunity to be spontaneous, myself, and fun,” shared one client named Ryan.
Lisa Oz and Maura Kelly with Marie Claire magazine agree that John engages women with a charm and encouragement that will have them ready for the dating scene.
“Dating is supposed to be fun, but it isn’t always easy,” Lisa wrote. “John makes dating less daunting.”
His Lifestyle Fulfillment Course for women is split up into eight one-hour sessions that show how to screen and qualify men. He said his clients feel empowered knowing that they can live an abundant lifestyle without all the dating drama. John offers a variety of one-hour hot topic sessions as well, and these focus on relationship insights, roadmaps, and core values.
Inspiring Courses to Master the Abundant Dating Mindset
Whether you’re in New York, Miami, or Barcelona, John literally meets you where you are to bring you his mastery tools. His courses cover an array of topics that he feels are integral to helping people discover truths about themselves and how they interact with others.
“Let’s let go of beliefs or stories about ourselves, about the opposite sex, about flirting, about love, about dating, and let’s really learn to empower ourselves and align with our core,” he said.
This past summer, women in Amsterdam, Berlin, and London had powerful breakthroughs at one of John’s classes, where they learned more about themselves and how to attract the perfect match. Classes sell out quickly, so sign up through his website early to reserve a seat.
Ultimately, the goal of John’s classes is to promote happiness and well-being, but it takes a commitment on your end for it to succeed.
“The paradigm for happiness is not the same for everyone,” he said. “Success is what you define it to be, but I help them to get out of the lies and storytelling.”
This couldn’t be truer than for one of John’s male clients who was deeply opposed to dating women who shared his cultural background.
“Women in his culture reminded him too much of his mother,” he said.
He saw this as an opportunity to challenge his 38-year old client to flirt with a woman from his culture. By taking a leap of faith, this client met the woman who is now his wife, and they both couldn’t be happier.
John knows how to eloquently engage a crowd and offer sound advice to any audience. Book him for your next event, whether on camera or at a local arena in your area. You can submit an online request with event details and suggestions on how he can share his expertise with your crowd of listeners.
Strategies to Turn Mundane Days Into Adventures in Love
The Art of Flow is a new transformational dating video course that John is creating just for men. As an exclusive preview, he’s offering a sneak peek of the video for clients who request a link.
“The Art of the Flow teaches men to realize their instincts and intentions to enter a state of social flow,” he said. “By developing a regular social practice, any man can transform to having unbreakable confidence and an attractive energy that draws women to him.”
This is one of four videos that John will be releasing over the next several months. His upcoming courses will cover how to be a great conversationalist, visualization, and being your authentic self in a dating relationship.
For more free resources, download a copy of John’s ebook, “Body Language of an Authentic Man.” Here, he breaks down the mystery behind what men are really saying through facial expressions, hand gestures, and body postures. Women can finally gauge how connected they are to men they’re dating and if he’s really the right one.
“You won’t tolerate people who are stuck in negative patterns or people who put you down or aren’t also living a life by their interests and passions,” he said. “I teach the skills to connect with people and have conversations because it’s healthy and feels good.”
John Keegan: A Mission to Redefine Relationship Fulfillment Norms
The true art form of human connection is the legacy John said he wants to build throughout his lifetime. His desire to transform lives motivates him to expand his availability of resources and time.
“I’m passionate about the work I do, and it starts by working on every person’s inner state and not compromising goals, beliefs, values, interests, passion, and vision,” he said. “I’m grateful I’ve had the experience to take my business around the world. People ask ‘Does this work everywhere?’ Yes, being you works everywhere.”
John understands that being social takes practice. His professional team of role-playing actors helps you learn how to engage and keep conversations on a mutual level of interest. This can also serve in other relationships that don’t involve dating. Growing in your confidence allows your light to shine no matter where you are.
“Look at being social not as a means to an end but rather as an end unto itself,” he said. “Stop looking for results and start enjoying the process, the joy of getting to know other people.”