
Beliefs and Body Language

Beliefs and Body Language

Everything that we do or say comes from what’s going on inside of us.  So often we look for external answers to resolve internal issues. As an expression of your internal state, body language is ultimately no different. Of course we can do external things that will internalize new habits within us, but we must first acknowledge that our beliefs are affecting our behavior, actions, words, and what the subtle things we are communicating beyond words. Beliefs are forms of thought, which then go on to color the way we see the world and the way think, speak, act and behave within the world. These beliefs affect your body language and shape the way you move. Thus before we concern ourselves with becoming a mechanical robot, our first priority should be to shed any limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are those that block us from living the life we want and having the experiences we desire.  A belief’s only job is to prove itself true. A limiting belief’s only job is to limit you to it’s low standards. If I have the belief that as I approach women they’re not going to like me or they’re scared of me or that they’re going to reject me, immediately my body language is going to display this belief in a way that evokes such negative reactions and reinforces the belief itself. When we change our beliefs and dispose of our limiting beliefs – e.g. “I’m an unattractive person,” “I’m not wealthy enough,” “I’m not a good conversationalist,” “People find me boring,” “I frighten women” (which I’ve heard from guys who have bigger body frames – our body language naturally changes too, reflecting a new inner state and opening new doors in our interactions with women. As you develop and internalize empowering thoughts and beliefs, changing your self-image to one of an empowered man and honing your focus to the positive things that you like about yourself, your body language automatically changes. Your sub-communications come out in droves of positivity and you connect to people very easily.

I rarely ever think about my body language.  I am however very aware of my body and “in my body.” Whether I’m very fluid in my movements or very still, what I’m really communicating underneath the outer expression is the inner wealth of an empowering self-image.  I’m communicating creativity. I’m communicating that I don’t need approval from someone.  I’m communicating that I am in touch with myself, with my sexuality, and with her.

Ultimately we want to be aware of our body language, but not consumed focusing on it at the expense of more important things.

John Keegan


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